Thursday, December 18, 2008

Let's get the list started!

Thursday, December 18, 2008
OK here are some of the things that I can think of right off the bat that I've done:
You Know you're a music major if...

*You have a loose thread in the seam of your pants, so you use it to pluck out the tune "twinkle twinkle little star"

*You dream in solfage

*You walk around your apartment singing in solfage.

*When someone asks you if you know a song, and you say the solfage instead of the lyrics to show that you do.

*You spell the word "Data-base" like this: D-A-T-A-B-A-S-S

*You watch opera movies for fun

*You know what an altered-predominant is.

*You assume that everyone knows what a passagio is.

*When listening to the radio you try to guess the chord progression instead of singing along.


  1. Haha, I like it. Ok I got one that my roommate did, she's a piano major and she always talks about the voicing in a Fugue (as in the different parts) and my roommates get confused because they think we're talking about singers.

    Also, *you get distracted at church by the chromatic 3rd relationships, embellishing 7th chords, and mode mixture in hymns you sing.

    *you get asked out on a date while in a practice room

    *you live in a practice room

    *you also live in the fishbowl

    *you've eaten every content in the vending machine in the snow building

    ....I can't think of anymore right now, but I will!

  2. HAH!! Okay...You sing everywhere you go and it takes a second for you to figure out why people are looking at you funny in the library.

    You dictate non-musical sounds in your head; for instance, the intervalic difference between the snow blower and the jack hammer on your street.

    You fulfill the FA 100 requirements 47 times in one semester...okay maybe only 2-3 times, but still...

    Your idea of a date is going to a concert with another music major and then going up and turning in slips for concert attendance afterwards.

    You brave the cold in a skirt at least 3 times a week because you won't have a chance to go home and you have concerts to attend.

    You fill your locker with food (canned soup, crackers, bread, peanutbutter, etc.), hairspray, comb/brush, bobby-pins, toothbrush, toothpaste, and maybe some extra nylons just in case...AKA you literally live out of your locker at the snow building.

    You use Sister Brousard as your alarm clock for your afternoon nap.

    If someone says: "Do you know Rachel?" instead of asking for a last name you reply: "piano, or percussion?"

    You actually know that Dominoes does not deliver to the fishbowl at the snow building.

    You count listening to your ipod as homework.

    You tell your family about a concert you went to and get several blank stares.

    These are the weirdest ones I could think of off the top of my head...I am sure there are many more.

    OOOOOO...and one have at least 5 friends who have had a crush on Shaun Scrivner at some point or another.

  3. forgot about having a crush on Aaron Pike =) Ok you guys are officially hilarious. I would have laughed out loud, but I probably would have woken up members of my family...

  4. And I forgot one: The banner on your phone is written in IPA--brackets and all! (Yes...sad but true)

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